My good friend and fellow blogger (and constant commenter on The People's Blog) The Ducks, recently wrote an article detailing his list of the greatest sports commercials. As always, the Ducks spoke off the cuff, didn't do proper research and did a half toochas job on the specified task. TPC commented on his site but instead of doing his job on his site, TPC lists his favorite commericals, in no particular order, here, live on TPC:
1. The King Of Sports Commercialism, Michael Jordan has a littany of great spots, and some would (and probably correctly) argue that he could take up most of the top 10 (anything with MJ highlights brings goose bumps to TPC). Here are some of TPC's favorite MJ spots.
- MJ vs. Larry Bird in a game of HORSE for a McDonald's lunch .
- Air Jordan 20th Anniversary edition with Spike Lee. A great tribute and very creative.
- You can't miss when you combine Bugs Bunny and MJ.
- Young Mj vs. older and wiser MJ. Classic.
- MJ Popcorn tape with Steve Martin- faking retirement.
- NIKE's MJ tribute on Jordan's 1999 retirement.
- Tiger's Caddyshack parody. He even gets the accent down.
- The famous NIKE commercial where Tiger was just messin' around. They used it.
- Don't steal Tiger's clubs!
- The one that got it all started. I'm Tiger Woods.
4. Another NIKE classic. Armstrong as a boxer, Aggasi as a Red Sox, Randy as a bowler, etc...
5. Maybe the Greatest Ad Campaign Ever.
- Great Taste-Less Filling, and it's all up to Rodney.
- Gotta love Ueck.
- First Lite Beer Open
7. Without Sports, this wouldn't be disgusting.
8. The ESPN spots........
- Rookie Camp
- Who stole The Kings Chair?
- Stoene Cold Steve Austin studying.
- Danica Patrick parking in Dan Patrick's spot.
- The New Kid- coming out too early. Great Bob Ley piece.
There are many more, but these are the top of my list. I think. Enjoy the links.
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